Transforming Transportation

Collaborative Performance Management | The Extra Mile Podcast

Written by Metafora | Nov 23, 2021 12:37:49 AM

Episode 6: Collaborative Performance Management with John Stauffer  | The Extra Mile Podcast by CarrierDirect

Welcome back to the Extra Mile Podcast by CarrierDirect! Bain is out this time, but he will be back with us next episode. We’re recording this just around the corner from Thanksgiving. Give us a listen on the way to your family festivities, and have a great holiday!

Housekeeping: Did you see us at FreightWaves F3 Virtual Experience? Catch anything you missed here. And congratulations again to the whole CarrierDirect team for making the FreightTech 25!

And now for our special guest... John Stauffer! John and Adam have previously worked together for 10+ years. They worked together at Echo and Uber Freight, they’ve partied together in Vegas, been on the same bowling team, built Echo’s carrier network in the Southeast and Canada. So many things! John has a ton of experience operationally as well as product management, and he is currently the Co-Founder and COO at ISO.

Today P-Mutt and John Stauffer chat about improving the workflow process involved in scorecarding and auditing to create a better customer experience.

Listen now:


Scorecarding is not a new concept

Shippers have been using scorecards for a long time.  Over 15 years ago,  John spent time at work auditing these scorecards.  Account managers would have to carve out time to sift through their TMS from the previous week or month. The process was tedious and manual because every load is a snowflake.

Seeing the scorecard process from a different altitude

As John advanced in his freight career, he got to see the same issue from a different viewpoint. The main KPI was efficiency: Loads per head per day. John discovered that people were spending an outsized amount of time on this data reconciliation process - scrubbing scorecards.

Service is a differentiator in transportation & logistics

Better service brings a larger award and/or access to more spot opportunities or mini bids. Account managers saw value in auditing because that’s where they found opportunities to improve service. They were also spending a lot of time scrubbing data to accomplish this. A light bulb went on when they saw the monetary penalties connected to shipper performance and how scorecarding and auditing could help reduce costs. The new challenge became figuring out how to improve this process.

ISO addresses workflow problems

ISO pulls data sources from different systems, aggregates those, factors in SLAs, and applies those when processing transportation and order info. Thus, when creating those scorecards they are able to understand what the impact of a late delivery was and tie that back to the shipment. Ultimately, then the root cause of that failure point can be identified. Penalties can then be attributed to the responsible party. 

Collaborative Performance Management

Collaborative Performance Management is the concept that streamlines all the workflows. It should be on your radar because there is value to aligning with your carriers on performance. Collaborative Performance Management removes friction from relationships. It helps shippers strengthen partnerships with existing carriers and helps shippers understand how to become a shipper of choice. 

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Interested in working at ISO? Check out their careers page here or email them at

Interested in incorporating ISO into your business? Reach out via email at or find John Stauffer on LinkedIn here


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